As always, Essie is at the forefront of nail trends with their Poppy Razzi collection with four vibrant neon shades: Lights (pink), Camera (red-orange), Action (light orange), and Bazooka (?) (orange) Okay. So I don't get the last one either, but it's still gorgeous.
Wanna rock a bright mani? Start with a base coat of milky-white, like Essies Blanc. This really makes the color pop. A sure fire way to make sure neon fingers look classy and not trashy is to keep 'em short. A short square or rectangle nail with curved edges looks super-chic.
Don't fear the bold! Feeling a little to chicken for a full-on neon manicure? Put it on your toes! Neon's are perfect for summertime tootsies.
Say What!? Neon nail polish is illegal? (and we aren't talking about crimes of fashion) Yup, it's all over the Internet, but Fear not, ladies, you won't be taking away in handcuffs for being fabulous. CND's chief scientific advisor, Doug Schoon explains: Neon nail polishes are just illegal to produce in the U.S. ... which means the polish you're buying has either been imported, or are just "super-bright-not-exactly-neon". Without knowing the reason why, one couldn't help but assume that there was something harmful in the chemicals, however this ban has NOTHING to do with safety but rather that the neon colorants in your polishes have never been registered with the FDA and before production, nail colorants must be registered. It's that simple. Why has no one bothered to register them? Probably because registration is expensive and just too much work for nail polish manufacturers.
So paint away ladies and feel a little rebellious while you do it.
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